設定できませんでした。 Command ["wwan_setup.sh", "gsm-ttyCommModem", "ttyCommModem", "meeq.io", "meeq", "meeq", "chap"] failed with exit status: 4: stderr: OK OK Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device eth0 not available because profile is not compatible with device (mismatching interface name)). Nothing to do, none of the requested files exist: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/gsm-ttyCommModem.nmconnection modemmanager | * WARNING: modemmanager has already been started Could not set up wwan connection. stdout: * Stopping connection-recover ... [ ok ] * Stopping modemmanager ... [ ok ] Connection 'gsm-ttyCommModem' (be18b87b-fd45-4e3d-a15c-03f15070c045) successfully added. Connection 'gsm-ttyCommModem' (be18b87b-fd45-4e3d-a15c-03f15070c045) successfully deleted. * Starting connection-recover ... [ ok ]