armadillo:~# podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE R/O localhost/test_ar640_image latest 2f014a38f687 44 minutes ago 250 MB true armadillo:~# podman commit mbox_ar640 test_ar640_image:latest Getting image source signatures Writing manifest to image destination 5f89902e8cbd417233e787c541cb8499c2375d275c12120d6f8e792663614ad9 armadillo:~# podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE R/O localhost/test_ar640_image latest 5f89902e8cbd 8 seconds ago 250 MB false localhost/test_ar640_image latest 2f014a38f687 45 minutes ago 250 MB true armadillo:~# abos-ctrl podman-storage --disk This command cannot continue with containers running. Stop running containers? Unsaved data will be lost! [y/N] y 87b85671dad0afcfabfe8bf37aa3ba3ea4743ccaad474f90f64bae805a41856f Containers stopped successfully. List of images configured on development storage: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/test_ar640_image latest 5f89902e8cbd 43 seconds ago 250 MB What should we do? ([C]opy (default), [N]othing, [D]elete) c Create a snapshot of '/mnt/boot_0/containers_storage' in '/mnt/new_storage' Getting image source signatures Writing manifest to image destination Delete subvolume (no-commit): '/mnt/new_storage' Merging development images to readonly storage succeeded Feel free to adjust the result with abos-ctrl podman-rw commands Now freeing up original data... Creating configuration for persistent container storage Create a snapshot of '/var/lib/containers/storage_readonly' in '/mnt/containers_storage' Successfully switched podman-storage to disk armadillo:~# podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/test_ar640_image latest 5f89902e8cbd 57 seconds ago 250 MB armadillo:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt armadillo:~# ls /mnt BUFFALO ar640-bto-installer.img System Volume Information armadillo:~# abos-ctrl make-installer --output /mnt/ar640-bto-installer.img WARNING: using emmc for podman-storage is a development option and not supported for production WARNING: consider switching back to tmpfs with 'abos-ctrl podman-storage --tmpfs' first Continue building image? [y/N] y An installer system is already available on image file. Use it? [Y/n] y Would you like to create a windows partition? That partition would only be used for customization script at the end of install, leave at 0 to skip creating it. Custom partition size (MB, [0] or 16 - 55): Checking and growing installer main partition Resize device id 1 (/dev/loop0p1) from 394.00MiB to max Copying boot image Copying rootfs mount: mounting /dev/root on /live/rootfs failed: Resource busy ERROR: Could not remount rootfs as ro: not saving a read-write fs Terminating, cleaning up... armadillo:~#