


2024年10月4日 11時20分


Thermal Watcher センサーのデータを読み取るためにこのプロセスを実行しましたが、目的の出力が得られません。Thermal Watcher センサーからデータを読み取る方法について教えていただけますか?

I. Armadillo-IoT A6E2.
II. 温度温度監視ユニット Thermal Watcher (仮):
(ア) コントローラ:SRW 100 (仮)
(イ) 温度温度センサー:SSW32 01 (仮)
(ウ) 温度監視ユニット Thermal Watcher用電源


1). 接続方法
Armadillo A6e RS485 をコントローラー RS485 に接続しました。
コントローラ:SRW 100 接続先
Ta Data+
Tb Data-

2). 必要なパッケージ、ライブラリのインストール。

     apk update
     apk add python3
     apk add python3-pip
     pip3 install pymodbus
     pip3 install pyserial

3). Pythonプログラムの作成

from pymodbus.client import ModbusSerialClient
import logging
# Set up logging to track Modbus communication
log = logging.getLogger()
def communicate_with_rs485():
    # Initialize Modbus client for RS-485 communication
    client = ModbusSerialClient(
        port='/dev/ttymxc4',   # Serial port
        baudrate=115200,       # Baudrate
        parity='N',            # No parity
        stopbits=1,            # 1 stop bit
        bytesize=8,            # 8 data bits
        timeout=3,              # Timeout in seconds
        method = "rtu"
    # Test connection
    if client.connect():
        print("Connected to Modbus device")
        print("Failed to connect")
        # Step 1: Trigger pixel data update by reading register 30001
        # Read the first register (30001) to initiate a temperature update
        first_reg = client.read_holding_registers(30001, 1, slave=1)
        if not first_reg.isError():
            print(f"Read register 30001: {first_reg.registers}")
            print("Error reading register 30001")
            return  # Exit if the initial read fails
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
    # Step 2: Read pixel temperature data starting from register 3026
        start_address = 30026  # Starting address for pixel data
        end_address = 31049   # End address for pixel data
        register_count = 125  # Max count for one read (Modbus RTU limitation)
        all_temperatures = []  # To store all read temperatures
        # Loop to read in chunks of registers
        while start_address <= end_address:
            response = client.read_holding_registers(start_address, register_count, slave=1)
            if not response.isError():
                print(f"Read registers from {start_address} to {start_address + register_count - 1}")
                # Convert the raw register values to temperature (divided by 10.0)
                temperatures = [value / 10.0 for value in response.registers]
                start_address += register_count  # Move to the next set of registers
                print(f"Error reading registers from {start_address}")
        # Print all the temperature data retrieved
        print(f"All Temperatures: {all_temperatures}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
    # Close the connection when done
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # main()

(venv) armadillo:~# python3
Connected to Modbus device.
Read register 30001: [0]
All Temperatures: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,……………………………………………………………………………, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]



2024年10月4日 19時22分


Thermal Watcherの製品仕様書には「各データの先頭アドレスを0番地とします」との記載がありますので、


first_reg = client.read_holding_registers(30001, 1, slave=1)

first_reg = client.read_holding_registers(0, 1, slave=1)


・アドレス30026を読み出したい場合は 30026 - 30001 = 25 を指定
・アドレス31049を読み出したい場合は 31049 - 30001 = 1048 を指定



from pymodbus.client import ModbusSerialClient
import logging
import time
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
from pymodbus.constants import Endian
# Set up logging to track Modbus communication
log = logging.getLogger()
def communicate_with_rs485():
    # Initialize Modbus client for RS-485 communication
    client = ModbusSerialClient(
        port='/dev/ttymxc4',   # Serial port
        baudrate=115200,       # Baudrate
        parity='N',            # No parity
        stopbits=1,            # 1 stop bit
        bytesize=8,            # 8 data bits
        timeout=3              # Timeout in seconds
    # Test connection
    if client.connect():
        print("Connected to Modbus device")
        print("Failed to connect")
        # Step 1: Trigger pixel data update by reading register 30001
        # Read the first register (30001) to initiate a temperature update
        first_reg = client.read_input_registers(0, 1, slave=1)
        if not first_reg.isError():
            print(f"Read register 30001: {first_reg.registers}")
            # Assuming response.registers contains the registers read
            # decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(first_reg.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Big)
            # value = decoder.decode_32bit_float()
            # print(f"Decode Value: {decoder}")
            # print(f"Decoded value: {decoder.decode_16bit_int}")
            print(f"Error code: {first_reg.exception_code}")
            print("Error reading register 30001")
            return  # Exit if the initial read fails
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        start_address = 30026 - 30001  # Starting address for pixel data
        end_address = 31049 - 30001  # End address for pixel data
        register_count = 64  # Max count for one read (Modbus RTU limitation)
        all_temperatures = []  # To store all read temperatures
        # Loop to read in chunks of registers
        while start_address <= end_address:
            response = client.read_input_registers(start_address, register_count, slave=1)
            if not response.isError():
                print(f"Read registers from {start_address} to {start_address + register_count - 1}")
                # Convert the raw register values to temperature (divided by 10.0)
                temperatures = [value / 10.0 for value in response.registers]
                start_address += register_count  # Move to the next set of registers
                print(f"Error reading registers from {start_address}")
                print(f"Error code: {response.exception_code}")
        # Print all the temperature data retrieved
        print(f"All Temperatures: {all_temperatures}")
    except Exception as e:
         print(f"Error: {e}") 
    # Close the connection when done
if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:


[1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 6246.4, 51.3, 6067.2, 6476.8, 6272.0, 512.1, 153.7, 102.5, 204.9, 76.9, 6323.2, 153.7, 6425.6, 6374.4, 25.7, 6451.2, 179.3, 6118.4, 0.1, 0.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 6400.0, 51.3, 6374.4, 6528.0, 6348.8, 256.1, 6220.8, 409.7, 6144.0, 6451.2, 6400.0, 6374.4, 128.1, 0.1, 6374.4, 6195.2, 6528.0, 6374.4, 6246.4, 6067.2, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 6400.0, 6092.8, 6323.2, 6528.0, 358.5, 409.7, 332.9, 6502.4, 51.3, 307.3, 384.1, 179.3, 6323.2, 6425.6, 51.3, 230.5, 6528.0, 6425.6, 6374.4, 6246.4, 6297.6, 25.7, 6400.0, 128.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 6220.8, 6272.0, 6374.4, 537.7, 6425.6, 256.1, 76.9, 102.5, 358.5, 435.3, 307.3, 460.9, 153.7, 230.5, 102.5, 51.3, 6400.0, 25.7, 128.1, 6374.4, 102.5, 0.1, 128.1, 6502.4, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 51.3, 6272.0, 6451.2, 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742.5, 307.3, 588.9, 742.5, 972.9, 665.7, 1075.3, 1100.9, 716.9, 921.7, 640.1, 870.5, 640.1, 588.9, 102.5, 256.1, 537.7, 921.7, 486.5, 742.5, 486.5, 358.5, 691.3, 768.1, 512.1, 6502.4, 512.1, 691.3, 384.1, 768.1, 588.9, 588.9, 435.3, 486.5, 486.5, 844.9, 921.7, 998.5, 1126.5, 998.5, 972.9, 998.5, 691.3, 896.1, 1049.7, 563.3, 486.5, 665.7, 716.9, 768.1, 588.9, 1126.5, 665.7, 768.1, 435.3, 691.3, 921.7, 537.7, 256.1, 332.9, 332.9, 512.1, 716.9, 691.3, 588.9, 742.5, 819.3, 640.1, 998.5, 819.3, 1024.1, 998.5, 844.9, 1126.5, 1024.1, 896.1, 563.3, 537.7, 793.7, 1177.7, 972.9, 947.3, 665.7, 588.9, 640.1, 409.7, 870.5, 486.5, 1024.1, 460.9, 102.5, 460.9, 460.9, 332.9, 460.9, 870.5, 512.1, 691.3, 614.5, 640.1, 563.3, 896.1, 844.9, 614.5, 947.3, 1075.3, 1254.5, 665.7, 870.5, 1075.3, 1075.3, 1587.3, 1561.7, 1228.9, 1203.3, 998.5, 896.1, 896.1, 665.7, 460.9, 537.7, 332.9, 358.5, 588.9, 256.1, 384.1, 512.1, 409.7, 435.3, 435.3, 614.5, 332.9, 614.5, 537.7, 409.7, 742.5, 819.3, 947.3, 563.3, 716.9, 947.3, 1100.9, 1203.3, 1561.7, 1254.5, 1638.5, 1382.5, 1331.3, 1254.5, 1715.3, 947.3, 819.3, 614.5, 6528.0, 51.3, 665.7, 384.1, 588.9, 793.7, 844.9, 691.3, 358.5, 358.5, 588.9, 563.3, 537.7, 358.5, 844.9, 972.9, 1075.3, 844.9, 896.1, 1126.5, 1203.3, 1331.3, 1510.5, 1920.1, 2432.1, 1868.9, 1715.3, 1331.3, 1177.7, 640.1, 588.9, 921.7, 281.7, 6374.4, 0.1, 793.7, 844.9, 1177.7, 870.5, 691.3, 691.3, 768.1, 435.3, 537.7, 460.9, 384.1, 819.3, 921.7, 1024.1, 1305.7, 1536.1, 1612.9, 1254.5, 1459.3, 1817.7, 1971.3, 2252.9, 1971.3, 1100.9, 1356.9, 819.3, 1100.9, 512.1, 768.1, 0.1, 307.3, 0.1, 6348.8, 563.3, 947.3, 691.3, 691.3, 588.9, 435.3, 358.5, 512.1, 512.1, 204.9, 691.3, 819.3, 870.5, 1305.7, 1638.5, 1382.5, 1561.7, 1715.3, 1715.3, 2534.5, 2201.7, 1945.7, 1305.7, 1100.9, 665.7, 998.5, 691.3, 1331.3, 307.3, 460.9, 5990.4, 76.9, 844.9, 614.5, 819.3, 537.7, 537.7, 256.1, 640.1, 588.9, 307.3, 588.9, 563.3, 614.5, 1228.9, 1536.1, 1536.1, 1894.5, 1536.1, 1766.5, 2099.3, 2176.1, 2150.5, 1817.7, 1254.5, 1152.1, 1152.1, 588.9, 793.7, 1408.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 460.9, 128.1, 691.3, 588.9, 665.7, 281.7, 486.5, 204.9, 384.1, 588.9, 51.3, 742.5, 896.1, 819.3, 1177.7, 1254.5, 1792.1, 1843.3, 2022.5, 1996.9, 2278.5, 2201.7, 2304.1, 1664.1, 1331.3, 1075.3, 793.7, 1126.5, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 6451.2, 6374.4, 0.1, 384.1, 76.9, 128.1, 768.1, 588.9, 588.9, 563.3, 563.3, 563.3, 486.5, 435.3, 1100.9, 1203.3, 1382.5, 1587.3, 1920.1, 1843.3, 3123.3, 2662.5, 1996.9, 1356.9, 870.5, 921.7, 742.5, 1228.9, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 358.5, 256.1, 614.5, 281.7, 1049.7, 640.1, 665.7, 640.1, 1126.5, 793.7, 716.9, 1049.7, 1126.5, 1868.9, 1868.9, 1971.3, 2329.7, 2867.3, 2816.1, 2483.3, 1843.3, 1280.1, 1254.5, 1177.7, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 128.1, 51.3, 281.7, 537.7, 716.9, 716.9, 409.7, 972.9, 1177.7, 844.9, 896.1, 384.1, 972.9, 1868.9, 1920.1, 1868.9, 2483.3, 2944.1, 2892.9, 2022.5, 1536.1, 1100.9, 691.3, 665.7, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 512.1, 332.9, 716.9, 1177.7, 947.3, 844.9, 972.9, 1100.9, 947.3, 844.9, 1408.1, 1356.9, 1971.3, 2252.9, 2560.1, 3020.9, 2380.9, 2022.5, 1075.3, 1382.5, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 384.1, 486.5, 6502.4, 793.7, 1049.7, 1049.7, 921.7, 947.3, 844.9, 1408.1, 1024.1, 1203.3, 2022.5, 2406.5, 2867.3, 2432.1, 2099.3, 2073.7, 1587.3, 1868.9, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1, 1459.1]



2024年10月10日 17時38分



[[-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   24.4  25.8  23.7  25.3  24.5  27.6
   26.2  26.   26.4  25.9  24.7  26.2  25.1  24.9  25.7  25.2  26.3  23.9
   25.6  25.6 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   25.   25.8  24.9  25.5  24.8  26.6
   24.3  27.2  24.   25.2  25.   24.9  26.1  25.6  24.9  24.2  25.5  24.9
   24.4  23.7 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   25.   23.8  24.7  25.5  27.   27.2  26.9  25.4
   25.8  26.8  27.1  26.3  24.7  25.1  25.8  26.5  25.5  25.1  24.9  24.4
   24.6  25.7  25.   26.1 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   24.3  24.5  24.9  27.7  25.1  26.6  25.9  26.
   27.   27.3  26.8  27.4  26.2  26.5  26.   25.8  25.   25.7  26.1  24.9
   26.   25.6  26.1  25.4 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.   25.8  24.5  25.2  24.   25.5  24.6  25.8  24.9  24.3  26.1
   25.1  25.3  26.7  25.1  25.   25.2  25.   24.7  25.1  25.8  24.4  24.3
   24.2  24.4  24.1  24.5  24.   22.6 -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.   23.   24.5  25.3  24.5  23.8  25.8  25.1  26.7  24.   25.4
   25.6  26.   25.3  26.1  25.4  25.3  25.9  25.7  26.3  24.3  24.4  25.6
   25.   25.4  25.2  24.6  25.3  23.9 -20.  -20. ]
 [ 22.7  23.2  25.1  24.8  26.8  24.8  24.7  26.   25.4  25.3  26.7  26.3
   24.4  25.8  25.3  25.1  25.7  25.4  26.   25.8  25.6  25.9  24.2  25.2
   25.6  25.5  25.9  24.2  24.3  25.   26.3  24.1]
 [ 24.4  25.   25.6  26.9  25.6  25.9  24.8  25.6  26.2  25.   25.8  26.
   25.3  25.3  25.1  24.9  25.9  24.7  25.4  24.8  25.4  25.3  25.6  25.5
   25.2  24.6  26.1  26.2  26.5  23.9  25.3  23.9]
 [ 24.4  23.   27.6  25.9  25.8  25.2  25.6  26.   25.4  25.6  25.7  25.3
   25.7  26.4  24.8  26.   25.7  26.9  25.6  25.3  24.9  25.3  24.7  25.6
   25.8  26.4  25.4  27.3  27.5  25.9  25.7  24.8]
 [ 26.2  27.5  28.3  26.6  26.7  27.3  25.8  26.5  25.3  26.6  26.5  25.7
   26.4  25.2  25.   26.4  25.6  25.1  25.2  25.2  25.1  26.1  25.5  26.3
   27.3  26.2  26.3  25.9  26.   25.8  24.9  24.9]
 [ 26.3  24.5  29.   27.5  27.2  28.3  26.6  26.3  26.5  26.   26.3  26.8
   27.6  25.2  27.3  27.6  27.9  27.   27.   27.   26.2  24.6  25.6  26.2
   26.9  27.3  26.6  26.9  26.   27.4  25.6  26.9]
 [ 27.7  27.7  30.1  30.5  28.6  27.3  26.6  26.1  26.6  27.2  27.3  29.3
   29.   27.8  27.2  28.1  27.8  28.   26.9  26.4  24.7  25.5  25.3  26.3
   25.9  26.4  26.6  26.9  25.7  27.2  26.7  25.5]
 [ 26.3  26.9  30.1  29.6  28.7  26.3  27.1  27.1  27.6  26.6  28.2  32.3
   29.1  27.6  27.5  27.   27.1  27.1  27.3  26.4  25.2  26.   25.3  25.5
   25.1  26.2  26.8  26.8  26.8  25.3  27.2  26.7]
 [ 24.8  28.4  30.5  31.6  27.7  28.4  27.6  27.4  28.3  28.   31.1  31.2
   28.8  26.8  26.9  27.4  26.8  27.1  27.9  26.4  25.5  25.3  26.4  26.1
   25.9  25.8  27.   25.8  25.7  26.1  27.4  27.3]
 [ 25.6  26.1  29.   30.1  28.2  30.6  29.9  28.2  27.8  27.9  29.9  31.4
   28.6  28.   27.9  27.9  26.8  26.2  26.9  26.4  26.   25.9  26.4  26.4
   27.5  25.8  25.8  26.7  26.6  27.3  26.1  25.4]
 [ 25.   27.7  27.   28.9  27.4  28.6  28.6  28.2  28.   26.5  28.5  31.1
   29.1  28.4  28.2  27.5  27.8  28.1  27.   26.   26.4  26.9  28.   27.5
   25.6  26.9  26.5  27.9  27.4  27.6  26.2  25.7]
 [ 26.4  27.5  26.9  26.8  28.   30.3  29.1  27.7  27.3  29.3  29.3  30.3
   30.6  29.3  29.5  28.7  28.   28.3  27.6  27.7  27.2  27.2  28.3  26.9
   28.   26.5  28.1  28.2  28.2  27.3  26.9  27.6]
 [ 26.4  26.4  26.8  27.3  26.7  27.9  28.7  28.5  26.8  27.9  28.5  29.4
   28.2  29.8  29.9  28.4  29.2  28.1  29.   28.1  27.9  26.   26.6  27.7
   29.2  27.5  28.5  27.5  27.   28.3  28.6  27.6]
 [ 25.4  27.6  28.3  27.1  28.6  27.9  27.9  27.3  27.5  27.5  28.9  29.2
   29.5  30.   29.5  29.4  29.5  28.3  29.1  29.7  27.8  27.5  28.2  28.4
   28.6  27.9  30.   28.2  28.6  27.3  28.3  29.2]
 [ 27.7  26.6  26.9  26.9  27.6  28.4  28.3  27.9  28.5  28.8  28.1  29.5
   28.8  29.6  29.5  28.9  30.   29.6  29.1  27.8  27.7  28.7  30.2  29.4
   29.3  28.2  27.9  28.1  27.2  29.   27.5  29.6]
 [ 27.4  26.   27.4  27.4  26.9  27.4  29.   27.6  28.3  28.   28.1  27.8
   29.1  28.9  28.   29.3  29.8  30.5  28.2  29.   29.8  29.8  31.8  31.7
   30.4  30.3  29.5  29.1  29.1  28.2  27.4  27.7]
 [ 26.9  27.   27.9  26.6  27.1  27.6  27.2  27.3  27.3  28.   26.9  28.
   27.7  27.2  28.5  28.8  29.3  27.8  28.4  29.3  29.9  30.3  31.7  30.5
   32.   31.   30.8  30.5  32.3  29.3  28.8  28. ]
 [ 25.5  25.8  28.2  27.1  27.9  28.7  28.9  28.3  27.   27.   27.9  27.8
   27.7  27.   28.9  29.4  29.8  28.9  29.1  30.   30.3  30.8  31.5  33.1
   35.1  32.9  32.3  30.8  30.2  28.1  27.9  29.2]
 [ 26.7  24.9  25.6  28.7  28.9  30.2  29.   28.3  28.3  28.6  27.3  27.7
   27.4  27.1  28.8  29.2  29.6  30.7  31.6  31.9  30.5  31.3  32.7  33.3
   34.4  33.3  29.9  30.9  28.8  29.9  27.6  28.6]
 [ 25.6  26.8  25.6  24.8  27.8  29.3  28.3  28.3  27.9  27.3  27.   27.6
   27.6  26.4  28.3  28.8  29.   30.7  32.   31.   31.7  32.3  32.3  35.5
   34.2  33.2  30.7  29.9  28.2  29.5  28.3  30.8]
 [ 26.8  27.4  23.4  25.9  28.9  28.   28.8  27.7  27.7  26.6  28.1  27.9
   26.8  27.9  27.8  28.   30.4  31.6  31.6  33.   31.6  32.5  33.8  34.1
   34.   32.7  30.5  30.1  30.1  27.9  28.7  31.1]
 [-20.  -20.   27.4  26.1  28.3  27.9  28.2  26.7  27.5  26.4  27.1  27.9
   25.8  28.5  29.1  28.8  30.2  30.5  32.6  32.8  33.5  33.4  34.5  34.2
   34.6  32.1  30.8  29.8  28.7  30.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.   25.2  24.9  25.6  27.1  25.9  26.1  28.6  27.9  27.9  27.8
   27.8  27.8  27.5  27.3  29.9  30.3  31.   31.8  33.1  32.8  37.8  36.
   33.4  30.9  29.   29.2  28.5  30.4 -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   27.   26.6  28.   26.7  29.7  28.1  28.2  28.1
   30.   28.7  28.4  29.7  30.   32.9  32.9  33.3  34.7  36.8  36.6  35.3
   32.8  30.6  30.5  30.2 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   26.1  25.8  26.7  27.7  28.4  28.4  27.2  29.4
   30.2  28.9  29.1  27.1  29.4  32.9  33.1  32.9  35.3  37.1  36.9  33.5
   31.6  29.9  28.3  28.2 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   27.6  26.9  28.4  30.2  29.3  28.9
   29.4  29.9  29.3  28.9  31.1  30.9  33.3  34.4  35.6  37.4  34.9  33.5
   29.8  31.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]
 [-20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.   27.1  27.5  25.4  28.7  29.7  29.7
   29.2  29.3  28.9  31.1  29.6  30.3  33.5  35.   36.8  35.1  33.8  33.7
   31.8  32.9 -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20.  -20. ]]


Thermal Watcherの製品仕様書によると、[ ]で囲まれていないアドレスで読み取るとリトルエンディアンで出力され、[ ]で囲まれた緑色のアドレスで読み取るとビッグエンディアンで出力されるようです。
[ ]で囲まれていないアドレスを指定している今回の場合は、Armadillo側でリトルエンディアンとして読み取る必要があります。

まずは検証のため、アドレス 39004から39011 の「システム名称"contSRW100"」を読み出して、数値のまま表示いただいてもよろしいでしょうか?


ファイル ファイルの説明